Robert Harlander

Institut für Theoretische Physik und Kosmologie
Fakultät für Mathematik, Informatik, Naturwissenschaften
RWTH Aachen University
52056 Aachen, Germany
fax: +49-241-80-22187
phone: +49-241-80-27045


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The programs ggh@nnlo and bbh@nnlo work with a certain format of in- and output files which will be called SLHA-like in what follows. The precise definition for what we understand by this will be explained below. The typical application of an SLHA-line input file is to provide a single set of input parameters. So, for example, one value of the Higgs mass, the center-of-mass energy, etc. is provided, and the corresponding value for the cross section is evaluated by one of the programs mentioned above.

Often, however, one would like to calculate the cross section for a whole set of parameters, for example, for Higgs masses from 100 to 300 GeV in steps of 10 GeV, or for various values of the renormalization scale, etc. This requires to change the input file for every run, read the result from the output file, save it, and start over. Of course, this should be done by a script, and slharoutines provides a useful set to facilate this task.

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last update: Feb 22, 2013 by RH

Robert Harlander: slharoutines