
An arc is defined
  • by the center around which the arc is drawn: it is defined exactly like the position of a point, i.e. by the options coordinates and polar
  • the radius of the arc
  • two angles phi1 and phi2 defining the extension of the arc
    • arc({"type" => "line",
           "color" => "Red",
           "coordinates" => [[0,0]],
           "phi1" => [[0],[360]],
           "phi2" => [[0],[720]]


	"type" => "line", # what to draw [line,photon,gluon]
	"coordinates" => [[0,0]], # center for 'polar'
	"polar" => [[0,0]], # [r,phi] of arc center relative to "coordinates"
	"phi1" => [[0]], # beginning of arc
	"phi2" => [[170]], # end of arc
	"radius" => [[20]], # radius of arc
	"arrow" => 0,
	"amplitude" => [[5]], # amplitude of photon/gluon wiggles
	"fixedwiggles" => 0, # fixed number of wiggles or fixed wiggle width?
	"wiggles" => 7, # number of wiggles or wiggle width
	"dashlength" => [[0]],
	"orientation" => [[0]], # orientation of arc
	"color" => "Black"
